Sign up for ResBaz Workshops!


14 workshop, 3 days

Since ResBaz Sydney is online, our workshops are all short and 2 hours or under. No zoom fatigue here! You can choose across the streams or stick to one track, we’re pretty flexible. We have an impressive array of programming languages, data capture, analysis and survey tools across our program. We cater to a generalist research audience, and highlight where some tools are more appropriate for different research domains. Consider our workshops as taster sessions: you probably won’t become an instant expert, but you will have a stronger idea about which tools will better suit your research.

Why waitlists for workshops?

We’re a local volunteer collaboration between institutions who are based in Sydney, so it’s important we prioritise our respective researcher communities. Using a waitlist helps us share participation across our universities.
Opening up to broader participation (for example, across NSW) is a great opportunity of online workshops. However these become less interactive the more people attend. We’ve capped our workshop audiences to ensure participants can actually participate and interact with our instructors.

Great! Where do I sign up?

Use the links in the program to sign up to individual workshops. We’ll release tickets in early November. Make sure you use the same email address for all workshops and don’t forget the general registration ticket!

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