
5 -7 July, 2021

Software Setup

This page includes instructions for installing:

Installing R and RStudio

The following workshops need to have R and RStudio pre-installed (if possible):

It would also be useful to have R installed for:

Please note: R and RStudio are two different pieces of software - RStudio provides a nice interface for working with R.

Follow the instructions provided at https://carpentries.github.io/workshop-template/#r to install both R (version 4+) and the RStudio IDE (version 1.4+).

If your workshop is an Other stream, please also install the `tidyverse` package by opening RStudio and in the console panel running this command: install.packages("tidyverse")

Installing UNIX commandline

The following workshops need to have a UNIX commandline pre-installed (if possible):

To install the Bash shell, please follow the instructions found at https://carpentries.github.io/workshop-template/#shell if you are using Windows. MacOS and Linux users, you will already have a UNIX commandline available through terminal.

Installing OpenRefine

The following workshops need to have OpenRefine pre-installed (if possible):

For this lesson you will need OpenRefine and a web browser. Note: OpenRefine is a Java program that runs on your machine (not in the cloud). It runs inside your browser, but no web connection is needed. Download OpenRefine version 3.4.1 from http://openrefine.org/download.html.

OpenRefine requires one of these web browsers:

Running OpenRefine




Installing Docker

The following workshops need to have Docker pre-installed (if possible):

To install Docker, please follow the instructions found at https://dme-forks.github.io/2021-07-07-docker-introduction/setup.html