
27-29 June, 2018

Programme now available!


Resbaz will include close to 40 sessions spread over three days. Please see below for the sessions on offer and a brief description of what the sessions are about.

Data visualisation for communication is a bit different from exploratory data analysis. In this workshop, we will explore examples of compelling data narratives and what makes visualisation work for the audience. Also, the workshop will focus on the design process outside of the code, including sketching data visualisation and learning how to use colour better. The Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI) is a large research database containing de-identified, individual-level information about people and households. The IDI is maintained by Statistics New Zealand, and incorporates data from a range of government agencies, Statistics NZ surveys including the 2013 Census, and non-government organisations. The aim of this session is to provide a brief overview of the ’what, why, and how’ of the IDI from a researcher’s perspective, and will demonstrate some of the work done to-date using data obtained from the IDI. Using the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) - a new measure of area deprivation for New Zealand – as a case study, I will demonstrate some of the online tools we have developed with help from the Centre for e-Research to disseminate the results from our research. Participants are welcome to bring along a laptop to explore some of these tools for themselves. Unity is a freely available game engine - a platform designed for the primary purpose of video game development. At the Centre for eResearch, we use Unity to develop research visualisation applications for our various AR (Augmented Reality)/VR (Virtual Reality) platforms. In this session, we'll give a crash course on how to use Unity, and how to develop applications for AR headsets such as the Microsoft Hololens, and VR headsets such as the Samsung Gear VR. The old model of science communication where a researcher did science, then carefully prepared a nugget of “outreach” to be delivered to a “media outlet”, is dead. These days communication is part of how we do science, and we’re embedded in a framework of social media including our colleagues, peers, and the public. The traditional model of on-brand, controlled, targeted messaging has to give way to a kaupapa of open information sharing, with power shifting from comms professionals to the researchers themselves. ‘UX’ – have you seen this abbreviation and wondered what it is all about? Are you planning on designing a webpage for your research that engages people? Do you want to improve an online learning experience? This is an introduction to what user experience research and design is, starting from scratch. In a 2-hour workshop we will explore: why good user experiences start with UX research;personas and scenarios;basic interaction design principles;basic visual design principles. On the way to this, we will look at examples and experiment in practical exercises. The University of Auckland Code of Conduct for Research states "Researchers should share data and findings openly and as promptly as possible", a practice increasingly required by research funders and publishers.Come along to this workshop to learn about how you can disseminate your research findings; increase your research impact through data publication; learn about services available to you at the University to achieve this. Research data: that which is created, collected or observed in the course of producing original research, regardless of format. This introductory workshop is aimed at researchers, particularly those embarking on their research career or starting a new research project. Attendees will develop strategies for capturing and organising research data, sharing and reusing data, and have an opportunity to draft a Data Management Plan (DMP).You will be introduced to data management concepts, best practices, services and useful tools to support you managing and sharing your research data. A data management plan (DMP) is a document that describes what research data will be collected - how it will be organised, documented, stored; along with publication and preservation plans. If you want to create a DMP but do not know where to start or what to include, come along to this workshop where we go through the various aspects of the University's DMP, offer best practice examples and section-by-section advice for creating your initial DMP. This workshop will introduce some commonly used processes for project management. Having a basic understanding of project management will allow you to manage your own projects better and also work more effectively as part of a team. Your research projects require you to collect data from people but you don't know where to start? You have started, but don't know if your questions are suitable to gather the information you are after? Are your questions neutral or do they influence people? Why do they influence people? How do you present your questions to make people fill in your survey? What tools can you use to create online surveys? These are some of the topics we will cover. The workshop combines background information on an introductory level and tool demonstrations with group work on question design. If you have any survey work in progress, please bring along some sample questions for us to work on.   Learn about what the University experiences in terms of attacks and cybersecurity including how to stay safe online, implement secure solutions and recognise and report spear phishing campaigns that target the university research community.  Everything you need to know about licences and research objects. Find out what you should know about copyright before you publish your work, and how to maintain rights over your work. Learn how to hack a copyright contract in a hands on practical session.  Good data organisation is the foundation of any research project. We often organise data in spreadsheets in ways that we as humans want to work with it, but computers require data be organised in particular ways. In order to use tools that make computation more efficient such as programming languages like R or Python, we need to structure our data the way that computers need it. Since this is where most research projects start, this is where we want to start too! Preparing data for analysis is an important part of the research workflow. Some of this involves data cleaning, where errors in the data are identifed and corrected or formatting made consistent. OpenRefine is a powerful free and open source tool for working with messy data: cleaning it and transforming it from one format into another. This lesson will teach you to use OpenRefine to effectively clean and format data and automatically track any changes that you make. Many people comment that this tool saves them literally months of work trying to make these edits by hand. Do your computations take too long on your laptop? Do you want to offload long-running simulations to a different computer? Are there computations you cannot run on your desktop because you don't have enough memory or compute power? Would you be interested in easily reproducing existing data compute workflows for your use, or easily creating your own? You’re invited to attend a workshop for researchers wanting a practical introduction into using the NeCTAR Research Cloud! We’ll provide an introduction to using NeCTAR, all the basic tools you need to know to run your first cloud computer and demonstrate how you can use NeCTAR to help achieve your research and data analysis objectives. This session will offer a brief and practical introduction to Git and GitHub for complete beginners. Learn how you can use Git to manage and keep track of different versions of all your important files and documents that change through time in your projects. GitHub is one of the worlds leading online collaboration platforms for working on projects that use Git. Whether you write code or not, Git and GitHub are incredibly powerful tools that should be part of any researchers digital toolkit. Come and see what it's all about! Is your research in a bioinformatics-related field? Are you wondering if Resbaz is any good for you? Or do you want to know what sessions are suitable for your research? This session highlights how tools like python, SQL, R and GitHub were used to answer a research question. It is meant to give a quick overview of the skills taught at ResBaz so you know exactly what sessions are most suitable for your needs. This session will cover the following topics: What is intellectual property, types of intellectual property, services and facilities available to researchers who are thinking of patenting/commercialising their research, things to keep in mind when working in projects that have a commercial focus (for instance, don’t make the knowledge public, publishing and data sensitivity issues) real-life case studies and a question and answer session with the attendees. This introductory session covers topics such as the linux file system, basic navigation, file permissions and access, configuration files and simple automation. More and more researchers are looking into applications of machine learning to their research domain. This one hour seminar introduces the novice to the topic, provides some examples of its application in research/industry and some first steps to help you start exploring with popular tools and workflows. In this session we give a high-level overview of what Jupyter notebooks are, how they can be helpful for your research, and how you can use and share them with colleagues. Bring your laptop if you want to try out notebooks during the session. Do your computations take too long on your laptop or desktop computer? Do you want to offload long-running simulations to a different computer? Are there computations you cannot run on your desktop because you don't have enough memory or compute power? In this workshop we give an overview of the options you have. We will cover the computer clusters of the New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI), the Research Virtual Machine Farm, and the Nectar Research Cloud, and which of the 3 systems is best suited for various use-cases. In this session, attendees will be introduced to some tools that are helpful in doing reproducible computational research. The example chosen are from the genomics/bioinformatics field but are, for the most parts, transferable to other disciplines. I will give some examples from my research where reproducibility plays role and why you might want to work in a reproducible manner. On the practical side, we will first have a look at the package manager Conda and how it can be used to create encapsulated tool and software environments that can be re-created on demand. Second, we will use the workflow management system Snakemake to create a small example reproducible workflow for analysing some next-generation sequencing data. If time allows, we will discuss how containerisation of software for example using Docker can be used to develop operating system independent reproducible workflows. Geneious is a powerful and comprehensive suite of molecular biology and NGS analysis tools. This is an open Q & A and demonstration session for Geneious users to ask and learn about any aspect of Geneious, from primer design, in silico cloning simulation and building workflows to NGS and RNAseq expression analysis. Learn something new about Geneious and hear about what others users are doing with Geneious.


Applications for ResBaz 2018 are now closed. Thank you to all who applied to be a part of the event!

Meet Our Speakers

This year will include talks from a wide selection of the community


Harkanwal Singh
Harkanwal is the founder of Elements Data Studio. Previously, he was the head of data journalism at the New Zealand Herald. He is passionate about developing data visualisation for communication. He will share his ideas and experience on creating data visualisation to communicate research effectively to a general audience.


Dr. Alys Clark
As part of both the lung and reproductive health and development research groups, Alys’s research involves developing computational models and new image analysis tools to investigate placental and lung health. Her research group constructs structural and functional models of healthy and unhealthy organs to help early detection of problems in a more reliable manner. Their aim is to predict the impact of disease on an individual basis and detect disease earlier by developing new image analysis tools. She’ll talk about her research and the interdisciplinary environment she works in with her team consisting of mathematicians, engineers, physiologists and clinical scientists all working toward shared outcomes.


Associate Professor Minako O'Hagan
Some think Google Translate has solved all the world’s translation problems once and for all. Not so! That said, translation has become a high-tech profession and human translators increasingly work with technology. Within Translation Studies, Minako specialises in research on technology and uses technological tools. These days, translators’ work is diverse and includes sophisticated digital products such as video games, presenting a multimodal environment. Similarly, audiovisual translation through subtitles and dubbing helps people enjoy foreign films. If you regularly watch Netflix you may have noticed English captions available for hard-of-hearing English speaking viewers. But, how do we know translation is useful and, if not, how can we improve it? Minako will give a glimpse into interdisciplinary translation research focused on users of translation. Her presentation discusses her previous work using eyetracking, and, more recently, Augmented Reality (AR) in collaboration with eResearch.


Professor Mark Billinghurst
Mark Billinghurst, a world leader in Augmented Reality, recently returned to New Zealand from the University of South Australia to work part time at the Auckland Bioengineering Institute. Prior to that he was the founding Director of the Human Interface Technology Lab at the University of Canterbury and, in 2013, was selected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand. At the centre of his new position he and his team are focussing on how AR and VR can be used to enhance face to face and remote collaboration. In his key story he will talk about a mid-life crisis led to him developing an interest in Empathic Computing, and what lessons can be learned from this for other early to mid-career academics.


Please note there has been a change in the programme for Thursday 28 June. "Question Design and Survey tools" is now a 1 hour session titled "Introduction to survey design - guidelines and common practices" (Thursday 28 June 2-3pm). We also have brand new sessions added called "An introduction to research impact…and top tips to make a difference" followed by "Snappy science - communicating your research to the public" (Thursday 28 June 3.30 - 4.30pm) Click here for a PDF version of the timetable
